Democratic Politics

Class - 9th CBSE Subjects

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- Democracy

- Need of Defining Democracy

- A Simple Definition of Democracy

- Features of democracy

- Case of Pakistan

- Case of China

- Case of Mexico

- One Person One Vote One Value

- Rule of Law and Respect for Rights

- Conclusion from the Case of Zimbabwe


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Democratic Government

- Types of Government

- Debating Merits of Democracy

- Arguments against Democracy

- Dictatorship

- Morality

- Comparing Democracies of India and China

- Arguments for Democracy

- Broader meanings of democracy

- Democratic Decision Making


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- Elections

- Procedure of Elections

- Need of Elections

- Requirement for Fair Elections

- Political Competition

- System of Elections In India

- Electoral Constituencies

- Reserved Constituencies

- Maintaining of Voter List


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- Election Photo Identity Card

- Nomination of Candidates

- Election Campagins

- Code of Conduct and Laws

- Polling

- Counting of Votes

- What Makes an Election Democratic

- Election Commission

- Popular Participation

- Acceptance of Election Outcomes

- Challenges to Free nd Fair Elections


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- Democratic Constitution In South Africa

- Struggle Against Apartheid

- New Constitution In South Africa

- Need Of Constitution

- Making Of The Indian Constitution

- The Constituent Assembly

- Drafting Committee And Constituent Assembly

- Guiding Values Of The Indian Constitution

- Institutional Design Of Constitution


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- Process of Taking a Major Policy Decision

- A Government Order

- The Decision Makers

- Need of Political Institutions

- Parliament

- Need of Parliament

- Two Houses of Parliament

- Political and Permanent Executives and Their Power

- Role of Prime Minister

- Council of Ministers

- Cabinet Form of Government

- The President

- Appointment of President

- Powers of President

- Limitations on the Power of President

- The Judiciary

- Independence of Judiciary

- Appointment and Removal of Judges of Supreme and High Court

- Powers of the Supreme Court

- Judiciary as The Highest Authority

- Role of High Court

- Role of Supreme Court


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- Life Without Rights

- Citizen Rights in Saudi Arabia

- Ethnic Massacre in Kosovo

- Rights in a Democracy

- Fundamental Rights

- Rights to Equality

- Rights to Freedom


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- Right Against Exploitation

- Right To Freedom of Religion

- Cultural and Educational Rights

- Right to Consitutional Remedies

- Human Rights


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